WP Ultimate CSV Importer 3.7.1 Critical Vulnerability

WP Ultimate CSV Importer plugin also available free on wordpress.org allows direct calling to code that can read files on the filesystem without authorization. The WordPress plugin directory reports there are 10,000+ active installs of this plugin.

This is a very serious issue that allows unprotected read access to any file that the user running php has access to.


templates/readfile.php can be called directly to read any file via directory traversal. You would have to iterate over each line in the file, but that is a trivial task.

On 3/30/2015 a new version was released to fix this issue. Here is the new code.


Unfortunately, that just added a tiny road bump to the issue. Since ‘HTTP_REFERER’ is trivial to set, you just need to do a bit more work to include that as well and it is easily scriptable.


Here is the final fix added.  Which does what is essentially the commonly recommended WordPress security practice of not allowing a script to be called directly.


In almost every case there is no reason to allow code to be called directly. If you have the WordPress tools available to you then you should use them. Something like current_user_can() and a nonce should always be used.


  • 3/26/2015 12:30am Sent inital contact to vendor
  • 3/26/2015 4:16am Email received from “Sales” requesting more info
  • 3/26/2015 8:49am Vulnerability information sent to vendor
  • 3/26/2015 9:15am Vendor says information forwareded to developer
  • 3/30/2015 9:38am Vendor notified that the issue is resolved in version 3.6.78
  • 4/14/2015 10:20am In preperation to post, determined that their fix was insufficient.  Re-contact vendor
  • 4/16/2015 7:42am Re-contact vendor to check status
  • 4/16/2015 9:14pm Vendor replied saying they are working on it and would follow up when resolved (they never did)
  • 4/20/2015 Version 3.7.1 released

EDD Upload File 1.0.3 Security Vulnerability

The premium extension EDD Upload File for Easy Digital Downloads has a major security vulnerability in version 1.0.3 that was fixed in version 1.0.4. I’m not sure how many active installs there are of this plugin. If you are running version 1.0.3, upgrade immediately. This version allows someone to delete files, upload files, and potentially execute PHP code via those uploaded files.

As I’ve discussed previously, Easy Digital Downloads allows any WordPress action/filter that begins with ‘edd_’ to be called remotely and each function is supposed to do the authorization.

This gives us the opportunity to do two evil things in the EDD Upload File code.

Delete any file


By calling GET ‘edd_action=upload_file_delete’ we get into this chunk of code and you can pass a ‘delete-file’ to specify a file to delete. The user running the PHP code would need appropriate permissions on the file in order to delete. The directory base is get_temp_dir() but you can use directory traversal to get out of there.

Upload arbitrary files

eddupload-uploadWith the ‘edd_payment_receipt_before’ action we are able to upload arbitrary files. If the administrator setup extensions to allow then it would restrict files to be uploaded, but by default there isn’t any setup.

The files are renamed with a unique filename, presumably to eliminate conflicting filenames but also for a bit of security. Unfortunately, it uses uniqid() which isn’t very secure especially if we know the time the upload happens (or close enough).

Guessing the filename uploaded with uniqid() would be pretty easy, but in this version you don’t even have to do that because of another bug.


The code always checks to make sure the upload directory exists and if not it creates it as well as inserting a ‘index.php’ and ‘.htaccess’ to try to keep the webserver from listing the directory contents. Unfortunately in this case it is missing a ‘/’ so the index.php created would be something like ‘wp-content/uploads/edd-upload-filesindex.php’.

As I always recommend it is wise to keep your webserver from allowing directory listings in these directories as well as executing php/cgi from the uploads directory. In a default configuration it is trivial for someone to upload arbitrary php files and execute them remotely without any authorization.


  • 2/26/2015 1:12am Initial disclosure
  • 2/26/2015 1:39am Developer response
  • 3/17/2015 Updated version released

Gantry Web Theme Framework 4.1.3 Vulnerability

I noticed a minor potential security vulnerability in the Gantry Web Theme Framework for WordPress. This allows arbitrary code to be executed remotely, fortunately it requires a WordPress account (does not have to be admin) and also requires some crafty building of JSON text to pass through.


By POSTing an AJAX request with action=gantry_admin&gantry_action=widgets-mass-actions you can get into this chunk of code.

It took some really complicated building of the $_POST[‘data’] JSON to get all of the quotes balanced, but it is possible to get that code executed by eval().

All of the other AJAX functions appear to check a nonce and current_user_can() so they are secure, this function initially pushed this authorization into the gantry_widgets_save() function which would get called after the JSON is decoded.

The lesson here is to always do your authorization as early as possible.


  • 3/4/2015 Sent request via web form with details
  • 3/5/2015 2:26am Response received saying details forwarded to development team
  • 3/10/2015 Updated version released